What is Healing?

That is a big question, one with many answers, depending on who you talk to. You have probably seen and read many books on the subject. If you go to the online bookstores, you will find a great variety. The one book that shows up on all of them is "The Body Keeps the Score:... Continue Reading →

Maybe Not My Best Move

I get restless. And bored. The layout I used for this blog has been the same for quite a while and I was tired of it. "It's easy to change it," they say. "Just a click of the button and your old stuff moves onto a bright, new, shiny site." Don't think so! Well, it... Continue Reading →

Complex PTSD

One of the horrors of sexual abuse by a priest is that it usually has lifelong implications. There are many additional dimensions to such abuse: physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. I would like to take a few minutes to address the emotional and psychological (mental health) side. The numbers are hard to track down, but... Continue Reading →

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